Search Results
Your search yielded 8 images
A close-up of ice over a bed of gravel showing...
Symphony In Ice Major.tif
A close-up of ice over a bed of gravel showing...
Sandstone Boulder, Ch...tif
A red sandstone boulder surrounded by Chamisa...
Chamisa and Cottonwoo...tif
Chamisa and Cottonwood trunks in the Jemez...
Chamisa, Red Birch, a...tif
Chamisa with Red Birch and Tamarisk along the...
Cold Burn.tif
A close-up of Ponderosa pine bark which was...
Snow on Chamisa and C...tif
Snow covered Chamisa with Cottonwood trees in...
The Pinnacle.tif
Unusual erosion patterns and sandstone slabs...