Search Results
Your search yielded 13 images
Dead trees in the northern end of the San Luis...
Red-Tailed Hawk.tif
A Red-tailed Hawk takes wing from a fence post...
Rocky Mountain Canada...tif
A flock of Canada Geese pass in front of the...
Rocky Mountain Cranes.tif
A flight of Sandhill Cranes passes in front of...
Courtship Practice.tif
A Sandhill Crane exhibiting “stick tossing”...
Dancing Crane.tif
A sndhill crane performs a courtship dance at...
Colorado Bonsai.tif
A lone windswept juniper tree on a sage brush...
Synchronous Flight.tif
Two Sandhill Cranes in synchrous flight at the...
Cerro Cuate Twilight.tif
Cerro Cuate in the Rio Puerco Valley in the San...
The Road To San Luis.tif
Sandoval County Rd. 279 north of the village of...
Adobe Ruin-San Luis.tif
An eroded, abandoned adobe ruin and wooden...
County Road 279-Cabez...tif
Paved Sandoval County Road 279 east of the...
An image of a door, window, and tin roof of an...