Search Results
Your search yielded 131 images
In Extremis.tif
A lone chamisa grows in a remote section of the...
Primal Earth Series 4.tif
Erosion channels in the alluvium of Caineville...
Primal Earth.tif
Erosion channels in the alluvium of Caineville...
Cholla Forest-Joshua ...tif
Teddy Bear Chollas catch the light which...
Tsé Bit´á i.tif
Shiprock glows in the evening light against a...
The Granite Dells-Wat...tif
The unusual geology of the Granite Dells at...
Breathing The Soft Li...tif
A lone yucca at sunset in White Sands National...
Flowing Into The Ligh...tif
The Chama River flows just north of Abiquiu,...
The Last Light.tif
A lone, dead yucca stalk in a sand dune in...
Autumn Light.tif
The sun shines through a veil of clouds to...
Flowing Into The Ligh...tif
The Chama River meanders into the distance...
A Regal Perch.tif
A Great Blue Heron perches atop a dead tree at...
Peek A Boo Heron.tif
A Great Blue Heron partially obscured by reeds...
Monument Valley Vista.tif
Monument Valley seen from the north along...
Monument Valley.tif
An iconic view of Monument Valley in northern...
Muley Point Tinaja.tif
A small tinaja on the edge of a precipice at...
Snowy Egret Portrait.tif
A portrait of a snowy Egret made at Bolsa Chica...
Pelican Portrait 2.tif
A portarait of a Brown Pelican preening at La...
A lone rider in an iconic view of Monument...
From Artist's Point.tif
A view of Monument Valley looking west from...
A lone riderin Monument Valley with low hanging...
Primal Earth Series-M...tif
Moonscape Overlook at Factory Bench near...
Dune Solitaire.tif
Yucca on the dunes at White Sands National...
Evening On The Dunes.tif
A lone hiker on the dunes at White Sands...
Time And The River.tif
The Rio Grande Gorge seen from the west rim,...
Pueblo Bonito-Chaco C...tif
Pueblo Bonito is the largest complex in New...
Bisti Daydream.tif
Textured sandstone forms emerging from the...
Cabezon Peak.tif
Cabezon Peak and the Rio Puerco drainage in New...
The Jemez River flows through an autumn...
The Dunes.tif
The Great Sand Dunes with the Sangre de Cristo...
A Brown Pelican lands at La Jolla Cove near San...
Snowy Egret-Breeding ...tif
A Snowy Egret wades the in search of a meal at...
Snowy Egret Wading.tif
A Snowy Egret wades the shallows in search of a...
Pelican Portrait.tif
A portarait of a Brown Pelican preening at La...
A tent, lit from within, overlooking the...
A hoodoo with it's support column eroded clear...
The Road To Kanab.tif
Utah state road 89 just east of Kanab with a...
A Brown Pelican at La Jolla Cove near San...
A Work In Progress B&...tif
An eroded landscape of hoodoos in a remote...
Across The Abyss.tif
A view from Muley Point down Johns Canyon and...
In Your Wildest Dream...tif
A sculpted burro atop a building in Carrizozo,...
Adobe Abstract-Picuri...tif
Cracking plastered adobe walls of different...
Deep Time.tif
A petrified tree stump overlooks the badlands...
Pueblo del Arroyo-Cha...tif
Pueblo del Arroyo lies right on the edge of the...
An Unexpected Encount...tif
Bizarre formations in a small badlands area...
Brittlebrush And Sugu...tif
Brittlebrush blooming among Saguaro cacti in...
Cholla Sunset.tif
Teddy Bear Chollas and Suguaros after sunset at...
Promenade-Union Stati...tif
The Portico of Chicago's Union Station in early...
Synchronous Flight.tif
Two Sandhill Cranes in synchrous flight at the...
Brown Pelican In Flig...tif
A Brown Pelican in flight at La Jolla Cove near...
Joshua Tree.tif
A close up of a Joshua Tree at California's...
A dead juniper tree in Monument Valley with the...
The River.tif
The Jemez River flows through a stand of...
Autumn Rincon.tif
The sun peeks through a dark, stormy sky to...
A black and white image of alien sandstone...
Rocky Mountain Canada...tif
A flock of Canada Geese pass in front of the...
Rocky Mountain Cranes.tif
A flight of Sandhill Cranes passes in front of...
Grooming and Grooming.tif
Brown Pelicans preen in unison at La Jolla Cove...
Grabbing Lunch.tif
A Snowy Egret strikes to grab a morsel at the...
A juniper tree beneath a towering sandstone fin...
In A Dream.tif
A raven perched on a juniper tree in Monument...
Lake Fork Canyon.tif
Rocky Mountain Bee Plants growing in a meadow...
The Road To The Mitte...tif
A remote road through the desert leading to a...
A Puzzling Landscape.tif
A black and white image of small hoodoos in...
Tres Amigos.tif
Three sandhill cranes landing in synchronous...
Three Amigos-B&W.tif
Three cranes wading in the shallows of the...
Winter Heron.tif
A Great Blue Heron stands near a diversion...
Snowy Egret.tif
A Snowy Egret wades the in search of a meal at...
Guard Duty.tif
Two Brown Pelicans, one with an eye open,...
Double Breasted Cormo...tif
A Double Breasted Cormorant spreads its wings...
Springtime-Watson Lak...tif
A lone cottonwood tree in spring foilage on a...
Signal Hill Petroglyp...tif
The Signal Hill Petroglyphs in Arizona's...
Final Approach.tif
A sandhill crane lands at one of the ponds at...
The Totem Poles.tif
Chamisa and the sanstone spires known as the...
The Valley Of The God...tif
Sandstone buttes and spires in the Valley of...
Canyon Country.tif
A view from Muley Point across Johns Canyon and...
White Sands-Blue Hour.tif
Yuccas at twilight silhouetted against a stormy...
Sole Witness.tif
A solitary yucca at twilight at White Sands...
Revelation-Tres Piedr...tif
A lone ponderosa pine tree stands on a sage and...
Rio Puerco Valley-Roa...tif
Western Wallflowers and Chainfruit Chollas...
Rio Puerco Summer-Cho...tif
Cane chollas bloom in New Mexico's Rio Puerco...
Brittlebrush And Chol...tif
Brittlebrush in bloom among Teddy Bear Chollas...
Cabezon Twilight.tif
A small pond in the Rio Puerco Valley at...
Rippling Dunes.tif
Yuccas on a dune field in White Sands National...
Jemez River-San Diego...tif
The sunlit Jemez River flows through San Diego...
Under A Falling Sky.tif
A stone ruin with no roof under a stormy sky...
US 64-Taos Plateau.tif
Storm clouds hover over US highway 64 as it...
Timelines B&W.tif
A black and white image of eroded sandstone and...
The Way To The Misty ...tif
New Mexico Highway 502 in San Ildefonso Pueblo...
Mitten Rock And Shipr...tif
Mitten Rock in the foreground and Shiprock in...
Dancing Crane.tif
A sndhill crane performs a courtship dance at...
The Earth Is Blue.tif
The view northeast from Factory Bench near...
The Ear Of The Wind.tif
A dead juniper tree frames an arch in red...
Chamisa Sage Mountain...tif
Chamisa in bloom on the Taos Plateau with the...
Lost Highway 1.tif
Sandoval County Road 279 lit by the sun shining...
The Edge Of Wonder.tif
A view from Muley Point in southeastern Utah...
In Wild Harmony.tif
Mountain asters in bloom on the sagebrush and...
Eroded sandstone and clay hills in the Ah Shi...
Rio Puerco Summer-Cer...tif
A lone Chaifruit Cholls stands at the head of a...
A black and white image of a hoodoo with it's...