Search Results
Your search yielded 33 images
Rocky Mountain Cranes.tif
A flight of Sandhill Cranes passes in front of...
Dancing Crane.tif
A sndhill crane performs a courtship dance at...
Two sandhill cranes perform a mating dance at...
Courtship Practice.tif
A Sandhill Crane exhibiting “stick tossing”...
Two Cranes.tif
Two sandhill cranes taking wing at Bosque del...
Taking Wing.tif
A small group of sandhill cranes wade in an icy...
Sunrise-Bosque del Ap...tif
Hundreds of sandhill cranes at sunrise at the...
Storm Over Chupadera.tif
A group of Sandhill Cranes feeding in a wetland...
Don't Step On The Cra...tif
Two juvenile sandhill cranes walking cautiously...
Synchronous Flight.tif
Two Sandhill Cranes in synchrous flight at the...
Bosque Zen.tif
Three Sandhill Cranes wading and feeding in a...
Tres Amigos.tif
Three sandhill cranes landing in synchronous...
A Lovely Moment.tif
Two sandhill cranes in a heart shaped, tender...
Of One Mind copy.tif
A group of sandhill cranes, some taking off and...
The Birds Of Heaven.tif
Sandhill Cranes settling in for the night at...
Taking Wing.tif
Two Sandhill Cranes taking wing at dawn in...
Sandhill Crane.tif
A lone Sandhill Crane wades in Chupadera Pond...
In Flight.tif
A sandhill crane flies above the Chupadera...
In The Moment.tif
A sandhill crane landing at Chupadera Pond at...
In The Moment 2.tif
A lone sandhill crane in the process of taking...
Testing The Wind.tif
A sandhill crane in a stance that indicates he...
A Sandhill Crane spreads his wings in...
The Decisive Moment.tif
A Sandhill Crane prepares to take flight from...
Final Approach.tif
A sandhill crane lands at one of the ponds at...
Mass Ascension.tif
Four Sandhill Cranes taking off in sync from...
On Winged Feet.tif
Two Sandhill Cranes running side by side to...
A Heated Debate.tif
A Sandhill Crane spreading his wings while...
The Sun Worshiper.tif
A Sandhill Crane spreads his wings just after...
A Moving Reflection 2.tif
A Sandhill Crane running to gather speed for...
A Running Start.tif
A Sandhill Crane taking off from the Chupadera...
The Happy Dance.tif
A Sandhill Crane spreads his wings just after...
I Can Fly, I Can Fly.tif
A Sandhill Crane exhibiting a common pre-flight...
A Running Start 2.tif
A Sandhill Crane taking off from the Chupadera...