Search Results
Your search yielded 51 images
Brown Pelican Juvenil...tif
A juvenile Brown Pelican in flight at La Jolla...
Brown Pelican In Flig...tif
A Brown Pelican in flight at La Jolla Cove near...
White Egret Flight.tif
A Snowy Egret in flight at Smith Oaks Rookery...
Synchronous Flight.tif
Two Sandhill Cranes in synchrous flight at the...
Brown Pelican in Flig...tif
A Brown Pelican in flight at Bolsa Chica...
Rocky Mountain Cranes.tif
A flight of Sandhill Cranes passes in front of...
The Decisive Moment.tif
A Sandhill Crane prepares to take flight from...
Great Egret-Landing.tif
A male great egret in flight with nesting...
Great Egret-For the N...tif
A male great egret in flight with nesting...
Snowy Egrets.tif
Two Snowy Egrets in flight, one taking off and...
Of One Mind copy.tif
A group of sandhill cranes, some taking off and...
In Flight.tif
A sandhill crane flies above the Chupadera...
Two Cranes.tif
Two sandhill cranes taking wing at Bosque del...
In The Moment 2.tif
A lone sandhill crane in the process of taking...
A Brown Pelican lands at La Jolla Cove near San...
Sunrise-Bosque del Ap...tif
Hundreds of sandhill cranes at sunrise at the...
Taking Wing.tif
A small group of sandhill cranes wade in an icy...
Mass Ascension.tif
Four Sandhill Cranes taking off in sync from...
Just Another Day At T...tif
One Brown Pelican flies over while a seagull...
Rocky Mountain Canada...tif
A flock of Canada Geese pass in front of the...
Hangin' Out.tif
A Brown Pelican prepares to land at La Jolla...
Red-Tailed Hawk.tif
A Red-tailed Hawk takes wing from a fence post...
Ascension-White Sands.tif
Hot air balloons in an early morning ascension...
Tres Amigos.tif
Three sandhill cranes landing in synchronous...
Taking Wing.tif
Two Sandhill Cranes taking wing at dawn in...
You're In My Spot.tif
A Brown Pelican landing at La Jolla Cove near...
Feathered Sunrise.tif
A Brown Pelican landing at La Jolla Cove near...
Seawings 2.tif
A Brown Pelican prepares to land at La Jolla...
Ascension-White Sands...tif
Hot air balloons in an early morning ascension...
A Brown Pelican soars above the waves in search...
Landing Gear Down.tif
A Brown Pelican prepares to land at La Jolla...
Ascension-White Sands...tif
Hot air balloons in an early morning ascension...
Dune Balloon.tif
A lone hot air balloon suspended over the crest...
Storm Over Chupadera.tif
A group of Sandhill Cranes feeding in a wetland...
In The Moment.tif
A sandhill crane landing at Chupadera Pond at...
Final Approach.tif
A sandhill crane lands at one of the ponds at...
The Sun Worshiper.tif
A Sandhill Crane spreads his wings just after...
The Happy Dance.tif
A Sandhill Crane spreads his wings just after...
I Can Fly, I Can Fly.tif
A Sandhill Crane exhibiting a common pre-flight...
A Heated Debate.tif
A Sandhill Crane spreading his wings while...
A Moving Reflection 2.tif
A Sandhill Crane running to gather speed for...
Geese At Chupadera Po...tif
A flock of hundreds of Snow Geese, Ross's...
A Sandhill Crane spreads his wings in...
Testing The Wind.tif
A sandhill crane in a stance that indicates he...
A Running Start.tif
A Sandhill Crane taking off from the Chupadera...
A Running Start 2.tif
A Sandhill Crane taking off from the Chupadera...
On Winged Feet.tif
Two Sandhill Cranes running side by side to...
The Birds Of Heaven.tif
Sandhill Cranes settling in for the night at...
Three Amigos-B&W.tif
Three cranes wading in the shallows of the...
An Afternoon Nap.tif
A Great Blue Heron napping by the side of a...